Saturday, 20 July 2013

Particle Generater
This was just a little test for the prep for a new animation I'm working on. It's going to be a particle generater. The blobs in the middle will be pure energy and will be glowing. The actual generater will be built up a bit bigger on the sides. But yeah, there you go!

Robot Model

Hey guys,

Got another model here I've been working on, it's a sphere-like robot. But it's still in the making, but I'm still going to post it and then update later. Anyway here it is...

Apartment Model...

Hey guys,

Just started working on this model today, just thought I'd post it for you guys to see. It's a concept for an apartment or more like a dorm for students to stay in. It still needs a few things, including a front door, post supports for balcony or fatter balconies, etc. But anyway on with the show, heres the model...